NASA Spacecraft Meets Pluto in Historic Flyby

NASA Spacecraft Meets Pluto in Historic Flyby

The latest image of Pluto captured on July 13, 2015 by New Horizons some 476,000 miles away reveals the dwarf planet’s “heart.” The photo took some 4.5 hours to transmit back to Earth 3 billion miles away, and is the most detailed image of the dwarf-planet...
Hubble Captures Extremely Rare Comet Flyby

Hubble Captures Extremely Rare Comet Flyby

Image: A composite image showing Mars and comet Siding Spring passing one another on Sunday. Credit: NASA, ESA, PSI, JHU/APL, STScI/AURA. NASA’s Hubble Telescope captured a very rare occurrence last weekend (10/19/14) as comet ‘Siding Spring’ brushed past Mars – an...