Akil Marshall, Casey Pearring,Teddy DeRego,and Ethan Paguirigan are among the interns who gave presentations at the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems’ headquarters on Dec. 11, 2015.

Several interns at the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES) presented their research Friday in Hilo, Hawaii.

Kicking off the day’s presentations were Colin Milovsoroff, a geology major at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, and Niki Thomas, currently studying astronomy and biology at the university.

The two provided an overview of their most recent work with PISCES. Niki, with the help of Colin, recently used lava terrains at the Hawaii Volcano National Park for Mars analog research in conjunction with the BASALT NASA program. Both interns also attended the Mars Landing Zone Workshop on behalf of PISCES and UH in October. Colin also discussed his work on Mauna Loa, where he and other researchers have been looking for ice caves on the Hawaiian volcano.

Another intern and Big Island native Akil Marshall presented his research on the Russian Marsokhod Friday afternoon. PISCES acquired this 1990’s Mars Rover Prototype this year.  Its history and capabilities have been difficult to uncover, but Akil was successful in digging up some background on the device and provided an overview of some of the machine’s mechanics.

PISCES’ long-term intern Ethan Paguirigan, gave a detailed examination on PISCES’ recently-built lunar landing pad, and Teddy DeRego, a computer science major at UH-Hilo, discussed our robotic rover’s software system. Casey Pearring, also studying computer science, finished up the day’s presentations with a review of our rover- from past, present to future.

A BIG congrats to all of our interns and we wish you the best of luck!