“Thank you for coming to our class and doing your presentation. When you left, I wondered, what if you sent a turtle into space? I’m wondering if it will go faster or slower and if it will float up into space or stay down because of its shell…Please try to send a turtle in space. Also, make the spacesuit LESS HEAVY please! I love you guys. Now I want to go into SPACE! Thank You!” ~Keona
“The thing that I found the most interesting was like how the 800 ants could make their tunnels in space and not just float all around.” ~Jera
“I learned that when you wash your hair you have to use dry shampoo…My favorite part was when you were telling us that when the monkeys didn’t do something right they would get [shocked] and when the monkeys did something right they still got [shocked]. Thank you.” ~Shaniya
“I learned lots of things from you like…you can send monkeys, dogs, ants, and a spider out to space and so I learned that animals can go into space but how do the animals control the spaceship because there are lots of buttons for the animal to control.” ~Kawai
“…when we got to put on the [space]suit it was really fun and it helped me to see what I want to be. Even if the suit was heavy I still might be an astronaut. I’m really proud that you guys came to my school.” ~Kealoha
“Does fire burn out in space or not? And also if there’s water in the rocket and the rocket is by the sun does it evaporate or not?” ~Riel
“Thank you for telling us that when [the astronauts] have to use the bathroom they had to use pampers.” ~Thaela
“You are really funny and fun. In the presentation some parts were really funny like how one of your friends didn’t like jelly beans on Earth but he liked jelly beans in space.” ~Jerzie
“I loved your presentation. I now know that you can’t see the back of the moon. I also learned that spiders don’t need gravity to make a spider web. I wondered, will our solar system someday explode? I was curious if cats can go to space? If dogs can, can cats go to space?” ~Camille