UH Hilo Computer Science Students to Upgrade PISCES Rover

UH Hilo Computer Science Students to Upgrade PISCES Rover

UH Hilo CS students (L–R): Jayden Matsunaka, Daniel Malone, and Richard Sevao. Technology changes fast and it’s a been a few years since our Helelani planetary rover had any updates to her software systems. Thankfully, a group of students from the University of...
PISCES Rover Gets Spotlight for Episode of ‘Space Craft’

PISCES Rover Gets Spotlight for Episode of ‘Space Craft’

Above: ‘Helelani’ perched outside the HI-SEAS Mars simulation habitat on the slopes of Hawaii Island’s Mauna Loa. PISCES’ planetary rover ‘Helelani’ and the HI-SEAS (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog Simulation) habitat will be featured in an upcoming...
PISCES Welcomes New Robotics Tech

PISCES Welcomes New Robotics Tech

PISCES is pleased to welcome its latest addition to the team, Teddy DeRego.  Teddy has been hired on as a robotics tech working alongside his friend and colleague, Casey Pearring, under the direction of PISCES Project Manager Rodrigo Romo. The Kamehameha School...
Second-grader Names PISCES Rover

Second-grader Names PISCES Rover

 Photo: Mahealani Lee stands on-deck aboard the PISCES planetary rover holding a certificate of award for her winning name, “Helelani.”  PISCES staff accompany her: (L-R) Executive Director Rob Kelso, Project Manager Rodrigo Romo, Communications Specialist...