PISCES Challenges Young Minds at NexTech STEM Workshop

PISCES Challenges Young Minds at NexTech STEM Workshop

Above: Twenty students from eight schools participated in a hands-on STEM class organized by The Success Factory featuring PISCES’ geology technician, Kyla Edison (pictured at center, wearing a lei). Credit: Gail Takaki/The Success Factory, creators of NexTech STEM...
Twelve Hawaii High School Women Graduate 2018 STARS Program

Twelve Hawaii High School Women Graduate 2018 STARS Program

Above: STARS students experienced insider tours at some of the world’s most powerful telescopes on Maunakea during the STARS Program in early July. Twelve young women from islands throughout the State of Hawaii attended and completed the 2018 STARS (STEM Aerospace...
2017 PISCES STARS Program Receives $5K from HTDC

2017 PISCES STARS Program Receives $5K from HTDC

The fourth-annual PISCES Women’s STARS (STem Aerospace Research Scholars) Program will receive a $5,000 sponsorship thanks to the High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) of Hawaii. “We’re very grateful for this generous award from HTDC,” said Rodrigo Romo,...