PISCES Welcomes 2015 Summer Interns

PISCES Welcomes 2015 Summer Interns

Image (L-R): PISCES Executive Administrator Polly Roth, Project Manager Rodrigo Romo, Karlin Yeh, Eric Boucher, Valerie Wasser, Ernesto Esparza, and Colin Milovsoroff.   PISCES is pleased to welcome its 2015 Summer interns and volunteers to the Center’s `ohana. ...
LRO Discovery Will Rewrite Lunar Textbooks

LRO Discovery Will Rewrite Lunar Textbooks

Above: Artist rendering of the LRO orbiting the Moon. New evidence gathered by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) suggests volcanic activity on the Moon was still occurring during the age of the dinosaurs. The discovery is a significant shift in the geological...