Attention college students:  Spend your summer working on the future of space exploration!

The Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems, a state-funded aerospace agency based in Hilo, HI, is looking for summer interns to work on some out-of-this-world projects.

PISCES is seeking college students pursuing a course of study in the following fields: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, geology, physics, volcanology, computer science, and construction.

Internships are available for the following projects:

  • Robotics: outfit and program the PISCES planetary rover “Helelani” with the latest technologies and software.
  • Planetary Analogue Test Sites: seek out and survey lava tubes and skylights for use as planetary analogue sites for testing space exploration technologies.
  • Space Construction: participate in the construction of a basalt-based, 10-meter lunar landing pad to test and utilize volcanic basalt’s usefulness as a building material.

The internship is from June 13 – August 8, 2015 and participants will work about 20 hours per week.


Download the application form and write a brief statement describing how your interests, background, and skills can contribute to PISCES’ work in space exploration.  Send your completed form and statement via e-mail to John Hamilton at

***UH system students: please submit your academic transcript from the MyUH account (unofficial) for assessment of your background academic knowledge).

***Priority will be given to:

1) Students in Hawai`i colleges (resident and non-resident)
2) Hawai`i residents in schools outside of Hawai`i