Casey Pearring is PISCES’ new Robotics Technician.

PISCES is pleased to welcome its latest staff member, Casey Pearring, to the team!  Pearring is working as the Robotics Technician with PISCES Project Manager Rodrigo Romo on the planetary rover.  The Hilo native and Hilo High School graduate served as the lead programmer for the Hilo Viking Robotics team, and is now a senior at the University of Hawaii at Hilo studying Computer Science.

Pearring will be responsible for the installation and programming of the command and control systems on the rover, as well as the navigation system and time delay emulator which mimics the signal delay that occurs between Earth and outer space.

Pearring is filling the position held by Max Kerr, who is leaving Hawaii to pursue a scholarship at Vanderbilt University.

Pearring’s first day with PISCES was on June 24, 2014.

Congratulations Max on your new adventure, and welcome aboard Casey!